This collection imagines a group of Goddess-type figures who are here to serve as the antithesis of the Capitalist Patriarchy and strike fear into the hearts of harmful Corporations. Existing in a Dystopian/Utopian future unhindered by the constraints of advertising and corporate power, the women dress to celebrate their bodies in a way that they dictate – highlighting feminine attributes to make themselves strong (why should women broaden their shoulders like men to feel powerful? Why not do the opposite?).
They seek to return the world to a more holistic way of living, giving back to the Earth, not just taking, and rebalancing feminine energy with the masculine as well as the relationship humans have with the world.
The collection is informed by the merging of numerous threads of research, from Art Brut, to Ancient Greek philosophy, to the French Revolution, to Witches and Pagan celebrations, to the dress of contemporary Matriarchal Societies. My silhouettes are greatly informed by Ancient Fertility figures – carved figurines that were made to celebrate female regenerative power all across the globe, that accentuate and glorify the form of the female body.
Maddie Williams Graduate Fashion Week 2017. - Video Footage Courtesy of Graduate Fashion Week - Music Mixed by Shenece Oretha